Monday, May 2, 2011

QQC: Mathly Mental

Quote: as follows==>
Question? Is the question part necessary now?
Comment: In a way, I think that having to think about how I do complex or simple mental calculations has stifled or muddled my original methods. I don't usually think about how I do mental math. For instance, the example to the right I have been doing for a while now that I think about it, but it was not something that I had to think about. Not to say that this book is bad, just sometimes I think that thinking about mathematical thoughts just muddles the methodology. Certainly, this reading's section on the finding of squares is incredibly convenient and useful. I had not thought of using his method to square stuff before. It makes finding the squares much simpler and more accurate. In a way, though, as distracting as these methods might be, it is certainly interesting to try them out and learn about ways to facilitate cranial expansion.

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