Tuesday, March 8, 2011

QQC: Higher Existence Tips

Quote: Take a class in speed readingBooks are full of information that can enhance your knowledge-base, vocabulary and yourself as a person. Speed reading is an easy way to get at this info faster so that you can have more time for other endeavors.
Comment: Since when was reading a means to an end, as opposed to being the end? Shouldn't we read for the sake of reading and not simply because we are reaping the final product? The harvest only comes after the whole labor of the farm-plowing, sowing, weeding, maintaining, feeding, and fertilizing (as in, causing to come to seed). Then comes the harvest, reaping the benefits of the labor. In recent years, we have industrialized agriculture to circumvent these natural processes with man-made "solutions" that create more problems than they solve. This farming model can be applied to speed reading, in a way. If you read the information that is contained in the book, but don't take the time to consider it, you can end up taking less away of what you should have learned, and more of what you gleaned from a surface reading. Unless you have a photographic memory, in which case I suppose you could mull over what you had just read and get more from it. But, again, isn't reading supposed to be the activity you do for fun, not because you want to be smarter?

These were some interesting points, but I didn't agree with all of them. I did think that some of them were very to the point and exceptionally applicable.

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