Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Quote: (Whoa, no image this time. Could this be an actual one line quote?!)All this, in an age when even the most intelligent and well-educated people considered Genesis to be the final authority in such matters [as pertaining to the subject of the origin of the world and life].

Question: Since when does well-educated and intelligent have anything to do with understanding Genesis as the authority on the human condition and origin? That is, is viewing Genesis as an end all authority on the matter make one ill-educated and a moron? This is certainly what the article seems to say.

Comment: I don't really see how one could consider someone that understands Genesis as the authority on the matter of the origin of the world and the universe as thick. Tell that to all the scientists and physicists and biologists that believe that Genesis is the end-all authority. Certainly Leibniz's ideas are pretty standard and in-line with the prevailing modern thought today. Certainly his understanding of how the earth formed could be 100% right. It just remains that his and modern science's understanding of how the earth got here in the first place is not necessarily being viewed in the right light. It is certainly possible for the earth to have formed exactly as Leibniz described (not that I agree with him, but we'll go with it for now). Perhaps not probably in point of view, but definitely possible. What the real objection here is, of course, is that the idea that to be a modern thinker and to be labeled as smart, intelligent, well-educated, and high-minded one has to believe in evolution, or at least the deist understanding of the universe, is a rather limited viewpoint. I feel rather upset, considering the fact that those that do feel that Genesis answers a considerable number of questions that evolutionary biology, universal geological study, and philosophical metaphysics (based on these evolutionary terms) cannot, nor will ever answer. Genesis might not answer all questions, but it certainly answers all the questions that we need to know the answers to. Needless to say, I mean not to offend, but I don't go around calling Darwinists that believe that evolution answers all questions about life, the universe, and everything moronic blockheads, or at least half-wits, which is, again, certainly what the above quote suggests.

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