Friday, November 5, 2010

QQC: Bryson; The Measure of Things

My QQCs seem to keep getting shorter and shorter...

Quote: See Right (for once)
Question: It is incredible to think of the discoveries that Cavendish made without feeling the need to tell anyone about them. I wonder if he made any other discoveries that no one still knows about... Also, how much are things on Earth affected by the Sun's gravity, considering that it holds everything in place up to over one light-year (5.87 trillion miles) away? Doesn't it have a slight affect on us on earth, or does the distance factor so exceed it's gravity that Earth is infinitely more attractive
Comment: I think that it's amazing that he made discoveries that, for the rest of the world, weren't made until the 19th century. I thought that it was interesting to note that when he measured the gravitational constant, that his value of 6 sextillion tonnes (that's a six followed by 21 zeros) for the weight (mass) of the earth has not really been improved upon, it was so accurate. That Mitchell, though, could have even thought of anything such as a machine to measure the gravitational constant is absolutely incredible, considering the actual values that he was considering measuring (the constant is something like 6x10^-6 or so, incredibly small).

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